Undiagnosed or under-diagnosed dysphagia is a major, preventable, contributor to repeat hospital admissions (Kind et al., 2011)
"Admissions to hospital for malnutrition have tripled in a decade, according to official figures which campaigners described as a shocking indicator of problems in wider society. A rising number of elderly patients are being hospitalised after going hungry, the data suggests. It comes amid concern that help with everyday living is being stripped back as the elderly care system crumbles....Dementia can also contribute to malnutrition because patients often have difficulty swallowing, Mr Bottery said. There are 850,000 people with the condition in Britain and the figure is projected to exceed a million in a decade."" (Chris Smyth, Health Editor “The Times” November 26 2016) (http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/hospital-stays-for-malnutrition-soar-amid-elderly-care-crisis-nprvgsjd0?shareToken=72a369e66dbd8b4c80a33c5e6597d09);
Dysphagia also puts a heavy burden on healthcare resources. It has been shown that stroke-related dysphagia increases post-stroke medical expenses by nearly 25 %. (http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00455-016-9746-2)
Dysphagia is preventable (Kind at al., 2011).
What has been done to prevent dysphagia in the general healthy population?
FACEXER adds a resistance component to the oral-motor exercises, making them more effective. These exercises increase strength of the tongue, throat and mouth muscles, which are responsible for such vital activities of our everyday living – breath, drink, eat, swallow, talk. Resistance provided by FACEXER during exercising, helps to increase lingual muscle strength faster, which improves the timing of the swallowing components. In fact, FACEXER stimulates and strengthens all of our muscles and bones above the shoulders.
Soft tissues (muscle) forms hard tissues (bone). "Women who had worse wrinkles had lesser bone density," says study researcher Lubna Pal, MD, director of the reproductive aging and bone health program at the Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Conn. "Women who had tougher skin had better bones."
FACEXER is the only available exerciser on the market, tangible implements “all the following in one package” : oral motor exercises, facial , head and neck exercises, coordination exercises, posture maintenance exercises, massage, hand and fingers exercises.
FACEXER* has been developed for general physical conditioning, as do stretch bands and dumbbells. FACEXER is a simple fitness device.
FACEXER has been developed to keep our functional reserve – head, face, neck, bones and muscles, skin, breathing and digestive system in a good working condition.
Method of exercising with FACEXER is a resource to maintain our health, youth, energy and mood in a great state.
Patented, designed and made in the USA, FacExer has been constructed using FDA approved materials of the highest quality. Our team decided to use medical grade materials in order to avoid any artificial and unsafe dyes and additives in our product. An effective Dysphagia Management plan should include instrumentation, when appropriate, and coordination of the interdisciplinary team to evaluate all Five Systems of Dysphagia to reduce the patient’s future risk of aspiration, repeat hospitalization and mortality (Rofes et al., 2011; Winchester & Winchester, 2015).