Why FacExer and how it works — moisturize
Skin Care Masks Effectiveness With FacExer
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Freshly made face masks are an easy and obvious way to hydrate our skin, to feed our skin with healthy antioxidants, stimulate, nourish, moisturize… Apply your favourite mask (see also our recipes below) and exercise with FacExer. Exercising brings blood flow towards muscles and skin, increases elimination of waste product and nutrient uptake. It will boost effectiveness of both – mask and exercising. Our choice of fresh home made masks recipes is based on the basic chemistry and biology knowledge. As we mention before, our skin serves as a barrier and protection from invasion of different microorganisms. Surface of...
Our Skin is Tired During Winter. FacExer and Protection From The Drying Effects Of Wind and Cold Weather
facexer moisturise moisturize protectant skin
Cold winter wind, low outside temperatures and dry warm air inside of the buildings is damaging our skin during winter. The main skin problem during winter is dehydration. The skin water content helps to maintain its flexibility and resilience, properties known as skin turgor. Skin turgor on the top of your hands and under the eyes is normally decreasing faster than of the rest of the body because of difference in the skin thickness and air exposure. To check your face skin turgor you can perform an easy test: grasps the skin under your eye between two fingers so...
Exfoliate and moisturise with FacExer.
exfoliate facexer moisturize skin
Our skin is a complex organ which consists of multiple layers with different cells. During our skin care routines we are mostly dealing with its outermost layer – epidermis. Epidermis is our protection barrier from mechanical damage and germs invasion. Epidermis itself consist of layers – stratums - as shown on illustration below. You can see that surface layer of the skin is a stratum corneum. Top layer of a stratum corneum is a layer of dead cells which are constantly shed or washed away during our daily activities. Tips from Facexer: When you are exercising with...