facexer.exerciser@gmail.com EXERCISER/MASSAGER FOR HEAD, FACE, NECK and HAND MUSCLES,BONES, CONNECTIVE TISSUE, SKIN. No batteries, wires, electromagnetic or other harmful fields or moving parts. The method of exercising with FACEXER is a tangible natural resource to maintain health, youth, energy and mood in a great condition, utilizing exercises for face, head and neck muscles. FACEXER has been developed to keep the facial bones, muscles, skin / breathing/digestive systems/ brain at a good working stage.
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Skin Care Masks Effectiveness With FacExer

avocado banana dry skin egg exercises for baby boomers face exercise face lift face mask facexer feed skin honey matcha moisturise moisturize skin skin mask strengthening tighten excess skin yogurt

Freshly made face masks are an easy and obvious way to hydrate our skin, to feed our skin with healthy antioxidants, stimulate, nourish, moisturize… Apply your favourite mask (see also our recipes below) and exercise with FacExer. Exercising brings blood flow towards muscles and skin, increases elimination of waste product and nutrient uptake. It will boost effectiveness of both – mask and exercising.

    Our choice of fresh home made masks recipes is based on the basic chemistry and biology knowledge. As we mention before, our skin serves as a barrier and protection from invasion of different microorganisms. Surface of the skin is also a home residence for multiple bacteria which are beneficial to us. Good bacteria - our skin resident flora - thrive on the surface of our skin and serve as an extra protection barrier. That is why it is very important to keep this population healthy. One of the most important factor – keep the natural acidity (PH level) of the skin. Below you can see diagrams showing PH scale.

       Our skin is naturally acidic. Excreted from the skin's sebaceous glands oily or waxy matter, called sebum, lubricates and waterproof the skin , mixes with secretions of the sweat glands to create the skin's pH.
According to Sara Lee Household and Body Care Research, Fruitweg, The Hague, The Netherlands, “ natural skin surface pH is on average below 5, which is beneficial for its resident flora”… , it is estimated that the 'natural' skin surface pH is on average 4.7, i.e. below 5. This is in line with existing literature, where a relatively large number of reports (c. 50%) actually describes pH values below 5.0; this is in contrast to the general assumption, that skin surface pH is on average between 5.0 and 6.0.
(Lambers H1, Piessens S, Bloem A, Pronk H, Finkel P.;


That is why we have to be very careful choosing skin care product in order to keep healthy skin PH balance.

Tip from FacExer:

You can prepare your own fresh facial mask in a few minutes. (please make sure you are not allergic to listed  ingredients).

1.The most popular face mask  with multiple skin care benefits for tired dry skin.
- egg yolk, (wash your egg with soap and water before using it) ;
- plain yogurt – 1 table spoon;
- honey (preferable raw and unfiltered) -1/2 teaspoon .

Mix ingredients together, apply on the face and exercise with FacExer for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with room temperature water.


2. Banana mask.

As you can see from illustration below, provided by wps.prenhall.com, banana has PH very close to PH value of the human skin.

     Mash up a ripe banana into a smooth paste, then apply it to your face and neck. Exercise with FacExer for 3-5 minutes,  then rinse it off with room temperature water.

      3.  Another popular mask recipe calls for 1 table spoon of  plain yogurt, 1/2 teaspoons honey, and 1 medium banana.


4. Matcha Green Tea (for Dry Skin)

Experts believe that antioxidants from green tea get rid of free radicals, the harmful by-products of cell metabolism that may damage DNA and cause diseases like cancer.  Recently, it has been suggested that matcha has greater potential health benefits than other green teas. Matcha is a special powdered green tea used in the Japanese tea ceremony.  (Determination of catechins in matcha green tea by micellar electrokinetic chromatography.Weiss DJ, Anderton CR.)

   Mask recipe calls for:

  •  2 tsp. Matcha Green Tea
  • 1/2 tsp. Organic Coconut Oil
  • 1 tsp Yogurt

Put Matcha Green Tea in a bowl.  Add coconut oil and a yogurt.  Mix until a thick paste forms.  Add only enough yogurt to make it spreadable.  Avoid adding too much yogurt or it will not stay on your face.

Apply to clean face and exercise with FACEXER for 5 minutes or longer if desired.

5. Avocado face mask.

Avocado has a very high content of a healthy fats (mono unsaturated fatty acids), Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C.  That is why it is a great natural moisturiser. Mash up a ripe avocado  into a smooth paste, add 1/2 of teaspoon  honey to reduce PH, then apply mixture  to your face and neck. Exercise with FacExer for 3-5 minutes,  then rinse it off with room temperature water.


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