facexer.exerciser@gmail.com EXERCISER/MASSAGER FOR HEAD, FACE, NECK and HAND MUSCLES,BONES, CONNECTIVE TISSUE, SKIN. No batteries, wires, electromagnetic or other harmful fields or moving parts. The method of exercising with FACEXER is a tangible natural resource to maintain health, youth, energy and mood in a great condition, utilizing exercises for face, head and neck muscles. FACEXER has been developed to keep the facial bones, muscles, skin / breathing/digestive systems/ brain at a good working stage.
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Why FacExer and how it works — dysphagia

Spreading Dysphagia Awareness.

dysphagia prevention swallowing desorders

Spreading Dysphagia Awareness.

Undiagnosed or under-diagnosed dysphagia is a major, preventable, contributor to repeat hospital admissions (Kind et al., 2011)      "Admissions to hospital for malnutrition have tripled in a decade, according to official figures which campaigners described as a shocking indicator of problems in wider society. A rising number of elderly patients are being hospitalised after going hungry, the data suggests. It comes amid concern that help with everyday living is being stripped back as the elderly care system crumbles....Dementia can also contribute to malnutrition because patients often have difficulty swallowing, Mr Bottery said. There are 850,000 people with the condition in...

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100 Muscles You've Never Exercised in a Gym.

Dysphagia exercises eye exercises face FacExer is your personal exerciser jawline exercise jawline workout neck exercise sleep apnea stimulating strengthening Swallowing Exercise tongue exercises toning

100 Muscles You've Never Exercised in a Gym.

        We swallow approximately 600 hundred times each day. The swallowing mechanism is quite complex, involving more than 50 pairs of muscles. Impairment of any one or more of these muscles may result in a serious health risk.        There are more than hundred muscles in our head, face and neck - smaller or bigger, they all are very important for our  normal functioning - chewing, swallowing, singing, laughing, talking, gesticulating, yawning etc. (the exact number of muscles is difficult to define because different sources group muscles differently, e.g. regarding what is defined as different parts...

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Oral Motor Exercises : FacExer Provides An External Resistance For Head, Face and Neck Muscles Workout.

Deglutition Deglutition disorders Deglutition — Deglutition disorders — Dysphagia — Swallowing Exercise Strengthening Muscle. Dysphagia Swallowing Swallowing Exercise

Oral Motor Exercises : FacExer Provides An External Resistance For Head, Face and Neck Muscles Workout.


"Speech articulation is often described as the most complex motor behaviour, because over 100 muscles are involved, and the movements occur on an extremely rapid timescale." (Conant, Bouchard, & Chang, 2014)


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Parkinson's disease : Resistance Training/ Strengthening Exercises. Everyday Activities With FACEXER..

dermatologist opinion on exercising with FacExer double chin dysphagia dysphagia and PD exercise Exercise with FacExer while lying down face lift neck oral posture Parkinson's disease posture resistance training sleep apnea snoring

Parkinson's disease : Resistance Training/ Strengthening Exercises. Everyday Activities With FACEXER..

         Exercises can redirect the biology of the brain. (John J. Ratey, MD). For the last 5 years exercises have been used as a treatment, particularly on the early stage of disease. Stimulations of the brain by exercising  increases amount of connections between brain cells.        FacExer provides an external resistance for face, head and neck muscles workout with the expectation of increasing strength, tone, mass and /or endurance.        Resistance exercise programs may be an effective strategy to delay or reverse functional decline for people with Parkinson's disease (PD). (source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23318666). According to http://www.parkinson.org/understanding-parkinsons/treatment/Exercise,   research...

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National Dysphagia Awareness Month Facts, Research, Reality.

after dysphagia Exercise with FacExer while lying down face exercise face lift facexer neck oral posture Parkinson's disease posture resistance training sleep apnea snoring swallowing problems

National Dysphagia Awareness Month Facts, Research, Reality.

 "FacExer has been developed for the general healthy population who understand alterations in the status of the head and neck muscles strength during healthy aging. Our website highlights the need to stimulate and strengthen functional reserve, which includes the ability to swallow." June is National Dysphagia Awareness Month. FacExer will share a facts about dysphagia that is supported by research.        It is  difficult to underestimate the benefits of the physical therapy during rehabilitation process after surgeries and illnesses. A Physical Therapist  implements one of the principles of the neural plasticity “Use it or Lose it” leaving stretch bands...

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