Why FacExer and how it works — face lift
Parkinson's disease : Resistance Training/ Strengthening Exercises. Everyday Activities With FACEXER..
dermatologist opinion on exercising with FacExer double chin dysphagia dysphagia and PD exercise Exercise with FacExer while lying down face lift neck oral posture Parkinson's disease posture resistance training sleep apnea snoring
Exercises can redirect the biology of the brain. (John J. Ratey, MD). For the last 5 years exercises have been used as a treatment, particularly on the early stage of disease. Stimulations of the brain by exercising increases amount of connections between brain cells. FacExer provides an external resistance for face, head and neck muscles workout with the expectation of increasing strength, tone, mass and /or endurance. Resistance exercise programs may be an effective strategy to delay or reverse functional decline for people with Parkinson's disease (PD). (source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23318666). According to http://www.parkinson.org/understanding-parkinsons/treatment/Exercise, research...
National Dysphagia Awareness Month Facts, Research, Reality.
after dysphagia Exercise with FacExer while lying down face exercise face lift facexer neck oral posture Parkinson's disease posture resistance training sleep apnea snoring swallowing problems
"FacExer has been developed for the general healthy population who understand alterations in the status of the head and neck muscles strength during healthy aging. Our website highlights the need to stimulate and strengthen functional reserve, which includes the ability to swallow." June is National Dysphagia Awareness Month. FacExer will share a facts about dysphagia that is supported by research. It is difficult to underestimate the benefits of the physical therapy during rehabilitation process after surgeries and illnesses. A Physical Therapist implements one of the principles of the neural plasticity “Use it or Lose it” leaving stretch bands...
Focus on a jaw, lips, tongue movement and positioning.
anti aging before double chin dry face lift neck oral posture posture resistance training turkey neck
It is well known fact that our posture is very important. The head should sit directly on the neck and shoulders. The weight of the head , holding forward, puts tremendous strain on our neck and upper back muscles. Unfortunately, our life style doesn't contribute to proper posture. Look around - our poor postures are "forward head postures" when check our smartphones, tablets, computers. The result can be aching neck. Our head is quite heavy. Average adult human brain weighs about 3 pounds, average human tongue weighs about 1 pound and consists of 8 muscles.That is why tongue...
Skin Care Masks Effectiveness With FacExer
avocado banana dry skin egg exercises for baby boomers face exercise face lift face mask facexer feed skin honey matcha moisturise moisturize skin skin mask strengthening tighten excess skin yogurt
Freshly made face masks are an easy and obvious way to hydrate our skin, to feed our skin with healthy antioxidants, stimulate, nourish, moisturize… Apply your favourite mask (see also our recipes below) and exercise with FacExer. Exercising brings blood flow towards muscles and skin, increases elimination of waste product and nutrient uptake. It will boost effectiveness of both – mask and exercising. Our choice of fresh home made masks recipes is based on the basic chemistry and biology knowledge. As we mention before, our skin serves as a barrier and protection from invasion of different microorganisms. Surface of...