facexer.exerciser@gmail.com EXERCISER/MASSAGER FOR HEAD, FACE, NECK and HAND MUSCLES,BONES, CONNECTIVE TISSUE, SKIN. No batteries, wires, electromagnetic or other harmful fields or moving parts. The method of exercising with FACEXER is a tangible natural resource to maintain health, youth, energy and mood in a great condition, utilizing exercises for face, head and neck muscles. FACEXER has been developed to keep the facial bones, muscles, skin / breathing/digestive systems/ brain at a good working stage.
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Resistance Training for Health and Fitness

dysphagia face exercise health lingual posture resistance training swallowing tongue

      Recent research on the benefits of lingual resistance exercise suggests that strength-building exercises for the tongue increase lingual muscle strength and mass and improve the timing of the swallowing components in healthy older adults. (Senescent Swallowing: Impact, Strategies and Interventions.  Denise Ney, PhD, Jennifer Weiss, MD, Amy Kind, MD, JoAnne Robbins, PhD).



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